A key fiscal accountability measure is the budget deficit surplus, and the government comes out and says, “Here's our target”, at the start of the year. At the end of the year, you have an audit and you come out with a different number, and to some extent the public looks at that and says, “Here's how good a job you did from a fiscal accountability point of view.”
When all your internal accounting, your appropriations, your estimates are on a different basis of accounting, eventually you're probably going to get to where it's consistent, and my feeling is sooner rather than later. But don't underestimate it. It's a fairly major project. It's not getting the appropriations to the estimates to the accrual basis; that's not the challenge.
Somebody asked the question, was it a big impact on us as legislatures? I'd have to say in Ontario it was...there was no training for legislatures. It just wasn't a big issue. From the estimates point of view, it was not a deal breaker; it was not a big issue. The challenge is getting this into the working level at the department, and it is a challenge. But the answer to your question is yes.