The news release itemized the specific detailed savings into four areas, as the member has just set out. In the order that they show in the table, the first of those is efficiency. A total of $256 million over two years was identified in terms of efficiencies, which were defined as follows: savings from streamlining or consolidation of activities or from operational or program efficiencies, as well as programs or services that can be provided or are being provided elsewhere. That was the first category...well, the second, in addition to value for money.
The category of what we call non-core programs, where the savings totalled $99.6 million over two years, was identified as programs or activities that do not meet the priorities of the federal government or Canadians.
The final category was referred to as unused funds, with a total of $379.6 million over two years. That was funding for programs that will not proceed, funds in excess of those required to achieve results, or funds not needed due to lower than anticipated take-up for those programs.