The number that I believe the president mentioned to the committee at that previous meeting was that there are normally somewhere over 6,000 individuals who would leave the public service in a normal year. Last year it was over 7,000. So we're talking here about a number of 300 or less. That's quite modest in terms of that normal turnover, so one would expect there to be opportunities for the individuals in positions that might be affected to in fact move into those other areas.
In addition, the government is proposing additional programs to be put in place, the over $4 billion net increase in spending, some of which would be proposed to fund direct programs from the government. So we would expect some net employment increase as well as that overall turnover.
It is true that there are programs in place should individuals not be able to be redeployed to another position. Individuals have assistance available to them. They have rights. The employer has obligations to those people.