Unfortunately I only have the English version of the PricewaterhouseCoopers report here. On page 7, there is a timetable in the diagram showing the implementation of the approach. A number of elements should be changed, including the reference levels. That would be the first element. There are also other elements to put in place. This is the new way of presenting information when we speak of three-way financial statements: the statement of financial position, the statement of operations and the statement of utilization. This is what we were planning here for the second year of the pilot project. Then, from the second to the fourth year, we would work on implementation of Parts I and III of the financial statements.
So a number of things must take place sequentially. As Madam Auditor General mentioned earlier, in view of the current cycle of budgets and budget estimates, only two years will be necessary to get the machine up and running. Here you have a diagram of the major phases to be completed to reach the goal.
The whole thing should take more or less five years.