Thank you. I'm happy to speak to that as well.
I think there's no doubt that we're talking about fundamental changes in what departments do, how they do it, and what systems they do it with. That certainly will take leadership. Whether there's one champion or a team of champions, we can work through that. However, it will not just require a senior statement to trigger such effort. There are significant needs for cabinet level decisions. Introducing legislation is a cabinet decision.
Putting money in a budget, as was the case before, will.... I hope there is no doubt at all that this will require investments of some serious amount. We still need to work that out. As the Comptroller General mentioned, there is the issue of what other investments and changes to departmental financial systems or policies would be undertaken. The cost of this on its own, versus the cost of those together, obviously needs to be worked out. This will take cabinet level decisions, for both the legislative and the money aspect.
We are both here of course because there is a critical departmental financial management aspect to this. There is also our relationship--both TBS and the Comptroller General--in terms of bringing the estimates to Parliament, I dare say with lots of constructive advice from the OAG and from departments as well.
We will need interlocutors for those details from among parliamentarians as we go forward.