Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you for inviting me here today to discuss my department's work to transform government procurement. I obviously welcome the opportunity to update the committee on this project.
Let me first say, Madame Chair, that my department is carrying out a number of important reforms touching procurement, which is the topic today. Another of these reforms involves real estate, which we are also looking at, as you know. One could argue that real estate is as important as procurement given our significant foothold in the Canadian real estate world.
All this work is aimed at strengthening management and accountability, increasing transparency, and ensuring good value for taxpayers. Procurement reform is therefore only one element of the department's renewal agenda, and it is clear that procurement is an area that needs improvement.
Madam Chair, on October 19, this committee heard from industry representatives. The message that came out of the meeting—and out of the many consultations Public Works has held with the supplier community—is that in its current form, our procurement system needs improvement and our procurement practices need to be streamlined. Dealing with the federal government can and should be simpler.
Year in and year out, the Government of Canada spends some $20 billion buying goods and services to support its operations. PWGSC handles only about 10% of the total number of transactions, but these represent about 55% of the total value.
The transformation of federal procurement represents a big change, not only for the government, but also for its suppliers. A number of them have participated in the consultations held by Public Works and have helped to identify possible improvements.
And that is why I directed my department to undertake further consultations with suppliers and industry associations before proceeding with some elements of the initiative.
The new round of consultations was launched on September 20, and a broad range of procurement issues was discussed. The only issues not on the table were our commitment to reform procurement and our commitment to achieve value on behalf of taxpayers.
I'm also pleased to announce that we are following up on the request of suppliers and are creating new permanent government-industry committees in the areas of temporary help services and office furniture.
Madame Chair, we are also making procurement simpler and ensuring fair and open access for all suppliers--large, medium, and small--right across Canada. We are listening to what suppliers have to say. For example, in the furniture industry, suppliers explained to us the challenges imposed on them with orders coming in at the end of the government's fiscal year. As a result, we are finding solutions for them.
We must take advantage of the government's buying power. We will do this by consolidating the purchase of goods and services across as many departments as we can. This means buying fewer models of certain goods that are purchased by federal departments and agencies. Consolidation not only will make purchasing simpler for everyone but will also will lead to better prices.
In fact, based on the experience of other private and public organizations, we believe we can achieve important savings as well. Through these and other procurement changes, we will ultimately improve the delivery of services to Canadians.
Reducing the cost to Canadians is not the only objective of Procurement Transformation. Procurement savings will be reinvested for the benefit of all Canadians.
Our strategy to reform procurement is based on improved access to goods and services from competitive suppliers, more efficient purchasing for all government departments, and an improved ability to account for taxpayer dollars.
Businesses will benefit from having fair, simple and open access to compete for standing offers and other procurement opportunities across Canada. Winning a standing offer competition to supply the government will actually mean winning business.
Procurement transformation also means ensuring that social and economic considerations are integrated into the procurement process, such as encouraging green procurement, supporting aboriginal businesses, and ensuring that companies right across Canada have an opportunity to compete.
In terms of green procurement, we share a heightened responsibility to purchase products and services that have a lesser effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose.
The transformation of government procurement also involves adopting procurement practices that reduce the cost of doing business for suppliers, regardless of their size. I am particularly committed to ensuring fair access to government business for small and medium-sized enterprises across Canada. In fact, my department has already taken a number of steps to address the specific needs of SMEs.
Public Works has established six new regional Offices of Small and Medium Enterprises to ensure that small vendors and vendors in all regions of Canada receive due consideration in bidding for government contracts. These are now all in place and ready to work with SMEs in each region of Canada.
PWGSC also previously reduced the cost of bidding by eliminating fees for the tender documents suppliers order through MERX, the Government of Canada’s electronic tendering system. We have simplified the language in bid documents and contracts, and established a toll-free helpline and a website to respond to enquiries from SMEs. We have also developed procurement best practices, as well as training with the Canada School of Public Service.
The transformation of government procurement requires information technology so that the government can speed up the ordering process and eventually improve its ability to track what is being bought. It requires time and training, and it requires that departments adapt to new tools. My department will introduce two critical procurement-related tools that will help us save considerable amounts of taxpayer dollars.
The Government of Canada marketplace simplifies procurement by giving departments access to pre-approved goods and services using electronic catalogues. Public servants from all departments will be able to consult and ultimately order from a catalogue those goods and services they require.
The shared travel services initiative will improve the purchase and reimbursement of travel services within government.
I mentioned at the outset that improved accountability goes hand-in-hand with saving money as a fundamental goal of procurement transformation. As the Committee knows, the Federal Accountability Act will legislate the principles of equity, openness and transparency, so that they are permanently imbedded into federal procurement practices.
The Act provides for the appointment of a Procurement Auditor, and a Code of Conduct for Procurement is being developed to clearly outline for employees and suppliers what is acceptable conduct when contracting with the Government of Canada.
In closing, Madame Chair, let me reiterate for the committee that we are sensitive to the concerns that have been expressed in some quarters about the potential impact of procurement transformation on suppliers, and we will do our best to resolve those issues, but we will not take our eyes off the ball. We will achieve significant savings while also improving service delivery and ensuring that companies in all regions of the country are able to do business with the Government of Canada.
Merci beaucoup.