Thank you, Madam Chair.
Mr. Fortier, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Bennett, good day.
Today’s meeting is about a specific point: the Department of Public Works and Government Services’ new procurement strategy. There are people in the room whose livelihoods are at stake. I would like to debate this question and make sure we can continue in this vein.
Mr. Fortier, last summer, people who work for businesses that provide services to the government—I am thinking, in particular, about temporary personnel services—had a shock when they learned in June that there would possibly be changes in the way that businesses deal with the government. It was such a shock that they told us that they felt the government was treating them like adversaries. This is obvious upon reading the minutes of the October 19 meeting. The relationship of trust was disrupted.
My intention, and that of the industry, is to find solutions with the government, so that everything is done properly. We have seen your objectives, and they are very laudable. There were references to reducing the time spent on procurement processing by up to 50%, reducing the in-house costs of procurement by 10%, etc. However, when the industry asked for details—and I’m thinking here of A.T. Kearney—, it was told that there was a report and it could not be made public for certain reasons.
If I understood you correctly, you said there was no report. The fact remains that people—responsible people—made an access to information request. It would have been helpful to tell them what was what at that point.
I want to know why your department did not approach the industry directly. End-of-August deadlines were announced in June, which is very difficult, especially in summer. That’s a deadline that even the government considers too short.
I’d like you to explain to us how you tried to find alleged solutions that involved losing jobs. It was calculated that about 5,000 people were involved. Was your goal really to reduce the number of temporary help agencies from 144 to 7? That’s catastrophic. How did you come to put forward and put into practice this type of thinking?