Well, I'm not a member of the committee, so I can't tell you from my own experience, but certainly I think it is a mix of all. Those committees need to look into the future, to look at the needs not just for today or tomorrow but for 10 years, 15 years, into the future of the country. They also need to look at today and the immediate issues that are confronted, whether it's BSE or some of these other crises. A pandemic is a good example. How are we all going to work together to deal with a pandemic crisis? The only way you can do it, I think, is to bring in all the experts, the people who have the individual expertise who can contribute to a whole-of-government solution. Some of it is probably short term, but hopefully a lot of it is also prospective into the future.
Yvan, I don't know if you've had experience working with the committees. You may be able to add to that.