I can try to add to the answer given by Mr. Borbey.
One of your colleagues on the other side was referring earlier to Bill C-2, and we were talking briefly about the role of the accounting officer, who happens to be the deputy minister. That bill, if passed, will create in legislation the requirements for the deputy minister to come before a parliamentary committee when called upon and to answer questions having to do with the very measures you're concerned about.
If you wish to go back to the text itself, I would refer you to page 187 of the bill as passed by the House. That would become section 16.4 of the Financial Administration Act once passed. There is a legal obligation as opposed to being the practice. As I was answering the question I was indicating that in practice deputy ministers appear before committees and explain what they have been doing with the resources they have. It's going to be in legislation, and once a parliamentary committee wishes to see a deputy minister he or she will appear and will answer those questions for you.