Of the Privy Council, as such? We are a department like any other department around town, so the issues having to do with conflict of interest, having to do with contracting--you have part 5 of the bill, which deals with contracting--applies to us, the same as anyone else. I don't think it would be fair to tell you that we see Bill C-2 as providing us with a new tool to, for all intents and purposes, supervise the whole of the public service.
With the resources that we have, one, it would be impossible, and we'd be selling you something that you're not willing to buy. Two, in law this is not how this works. I happen to be a lawyer and I like to go back to that kind of framework. The Financial Administration Act continues to apply, and it will be strengthened by Bill C-2. It will be the responsibility of Treasury Board to ensure that these things take place.
What we provide in PCO is the challenge function. We try to coordinate issues. We try to make sure things are coherent. But Bill C-2 has not made PCO into policemen for the whole of the civil service. That's not what was intended, and that's not what we intend to do with it.