Shall votes 1a, 2a, and 15a under Treasury Board carry?
1a—Operating expenditures and authority to expend revenues received during the fiscal year arising from activities of the Treasury Board Secretariat--To authorize the transfer of $6,092,432 from Privy Council Vote 1 and $1,084,000 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 1, 2006-2007 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of.........$9,516,736
2a—Contributions--To authorize the transfer of $230,000 from Treasury Board Vote 1, and $86,039,000 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 1, 2006-2007 for the purposes of this Vote..........$1
15a—Compensation Adjustments--Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, to supplement other appropriations, that may need to be partially or fully funded, as a result of adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment of the public service including members of the RCMP and the Canadian Forces...........$407,994,000
(Votes 1a, 2a, and 15a agreed to)