We are all familiar with your past career accomplishments. The fact that you used to work for the Auditor General's Office is not foreign to my question.
You are aware that this Committee is studying the government's accountability system. Several witnesses have told us that a change in culture is necessary in this regard and that what is required here is that the leaders, the champions of this cause, take control of the situation. In their view, the enforcement of such an important piece will not be a walk in the park.
It is in the area of recruitment that there will be resistance. People will wonder if the necessary staff is available to take action immediately, even if the process is spread out over a shorter period, in terms of years.
Given the experience that you acquired in your previous role — and here it will be up to you to decide if you wish to respond — and in the context of the duties you have today and your mandate with regard to delegation and the capability of departments and agencies to respond, are you confident that the process to be put in place with regard to recruitment and training will settle in easily? I added in the final element, well aware that it is not your domain, but it is related to it.