Thank you very much. I will try to answer, and Linda may have something to add.
Let us first deal with the matter of our concerns with regard to the delegation of staffing authority: in other words, were the departments truly ready to be given these powers? We proceeded to define a certain number of essential elements. It is not ideal, but these are essential elements. We for example reviewed the policy in place, offered training, provided communication, and they undertook an oversight role and launched a planning process. Obviously, in order for the system to be complete, all of these elements are required.
We decided that the system was at a stage where delegation was possible. You have to begin somewhere, but we still have concerns with regard to human resource management planning. We have concerns with regard to the oversight capability as well as the computer systems. One must have the necessary systems and means to supervise these things.
In our view, this is the first step. We have the framework, we have the legislation, it is a wonderful accomplishment, but we must do much more in order to truly get the system working.
We also have questions with regard to the resources required. Do departments have sufficient funding? I am convinced that the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada does not have all of the needed capability. Is it really a matter of funding? I am not so convinced, because we detected a problem with regard to staff renewal within the Agency. A lot of people have retired, a lot of new people have thus inherited their responsibilities, and the number of people in human resources has remained the same: there has been no drop.
We must deal with the situation by first considering the response capability, the training and the appointment of people presenting the necessary skills, before asking questions about resources. I continue to have concerns with regard to the lack of investment in the computer systems that are needed. Was it planned for? It is difficult to say. We at the PSC have always had concerns as to our capability regarding the system and the computer side of things.
With regard to funding, were we too generous with the first allotments? I believe that we behaved responsibly because with the new act, there is a change in responsibilities and it is my belief that we did a fair reallocation in accordance with this change of responsibilities.
Linda, would you like to add anything?