Thank you.
The other thing I want to talk to you about, which is relevant to this, is that you talked about the two major activities within the commission: the appointment integrity and political neutrality, and the recruitment and assessment services.
I wonder if there's an opportunity to create a responsibility or a position within the recruitment and assessment services for somebody to examine or pay attention to the equity issue. As we know from our daily lives, each department, each individual has a lot of responsibilities, and sometimes the equity issue may not be an essential pursuit of their job requirement. If there's an individual, or if there's a position for someone to encourage departments, procedures, and raise awareness about this challenge....
I think it's highly important in the public service, more than in any other sector in our society, to have an adequate representation of visible minorities, of bilingualism, of women, and aboriginals. That's why it's really important that if there's a chance to highlight and raise the level of awareness, this responsibility within the public service would be useful.
I don't know if you would comment on having increased attention to such a mandate.