All right.
First, about the information provided on page 5, that is the possibility to realign resources from one activity or vote to another, this is very important. It refers to the planning process. For example, if the government submits votes to Parliament, and if those votes are approved, the resources appropriated may be changed in future Estimates. In order to change the appropriation of resources between two Estimates,one has to apply to Treasury Board according to a formal process. Such a change cannot be implemented by a minister on his or her own. It is rather technical.
As far as reducing expenditures, I have to remind you that the government asks Parliament for spending authority. It is quite conceivable that the resources approved for each vote would not always be fully spent. Some amounts cannot be spent for various reasons relating to capacity or to a change of plans. In that case, the government would inform Parliament later on but it does not need to ask Parliament to reduce the vote. Now, if this was due to a change of policy, the government would normally inform Parliament.