Thank you.
Madam Fraser, many departments, agencies, and ministries actually sort of...not live in fear, but there's a lot of trepidation when they hear they might have an external audit done by the AG's department. But on the other side of the coin, there is a positive because a lot of times your investigations don't just reveal wrongdoing, but actually identify positives, so that we can carry forward.
In that vein, do you see any merit in not just expanding your scope and departmental purview across the board...? But there are many agencies and/or areas that could be affected that will never see the light of day or even fret about it, since the scope is so broad. Do you see a possibility of not a lottery process, but almost a SWAT approach on a random...? If there are 34 areas of investigation, one year we're going to pull out this one and the next year another one. This would be totally at random, so that departments could not plan on necessarily being audited, and/or not, and/or agencies audited, and/or not. Some of them might get audited twice in a row.
This might put the entire structure of bureaucracy on notice that potentially they could be held accountable at any particular time. Do you see any merit in that, almost like a SWAT approach?