On the question of the correctional investigator and the question of payments made to employees, we did see some inappropriate payments to employees. In fact, when it was known that there would be a surplus at the end of the year in that office, the surplus was essentially divided up amongst the employees, in equal amounts, and there was an effort made to then calculate the number of hours of overtime. It was indicated that there were overtime payments, and there was a fair bit of work that would of course go into that, because people all had different pay scales. They would calculate the number of hours that would give them that amount of money. We are not sure, though, on what basis this was presented to the employees, and government will have to decide if any further action needs to be taken. It could have simply been presented to them as some kind of a bonus or something in the year.
I know the correctional investigator has not been charged to date. The file was referred to the RCMP about a year ago. I do not know if they have even begun an investigation. That could be a question to ask of them.
On the governance of Corrections Canada, Corrections Canada is considered to be a department like any other department. That's why it doesn't have a board of directors. It reports to a minister. We haven't really looked at that whole question of information, but certainly I would expect that the minister would be able to get information relating to the operations within Corrections Canada.