As part of the new expenditure management system, we are working with departments to develop a number of tools, because to move to this new system, we really have to look at new tools or implementing further some of the tools that we have. One of them is a policy that requires departments first to articulate the strategic objectives of that department, and then to be able to allocate its resources, both financial and non-financial, to those strategic objectives, down to a number of different levels.
Our view is that as we continue to work on that, we will be able to make that comparison between departments that have similar programs. What are they trying to achieve with their programs? Here are the objectives. Are they working toward those, whether they're in aboriginal programming or take what you want? We'll then compare them to another department and hopefully begin to align those objectives across departments over time, so that we're managing our resources more effectively.
So there are those kinds of tools that are in fact somewhat advanced. You asked the question about when this will begin. I would say it has begun, but it needs to be pushed a lot further.