Thank you very much.
I'd like to thank each of you who have come today.
We often like to take credit for the work that happens, and we know it's the civil service that does so much of this. We'd like to thank you for your leadership in this area. Obviously with the movement towards the greening of the country, never mind government, you are on the forefront.
Of course you're going to have no end of suggestions. Here we go with my continued list.
One of my pet projects in the last while has been this whole idea of net metering, the average individual putting a solar panel on their house and having the opportunity to buy energy when they need it and being able to supply energy when they have an excess within their home. The biggest problem with this of course has been the issue of the transmission and power companies and who will buy it.
The Province of Alberta has actually led the country on a number of these fronts; it has gone completely green in its energy consumption. As well, they're actually speaking about being the purchasers of this energy that's produced by the private individuals--this non-commercialized energy.
I'm wondering if the federal government has ever looked at this particular initiative, or the possibility of this.