Madam Chair, members of the committee, I'd like to thank you for inviting us here today. I would like to introduce you to a number of my colleagues who are here this afternoon to assist me in answering your questions. Let me introduce
Berny Latreille from Environment Canada; Elizabeth Hopkins from Public Works and Government Services Canada; Shirley Jen from Treasury Board Secretariat; and Anne Auger from Natural Resources Canada.
As the committee will recall, last week the Honourable Minister Fortier briefly presented some information concerning the greening of government operations, and certainly today we appreciate the opportunity to provide you with further details to support your study.
The federal government, as you're aware, is one of the biggest enterprises in Canada and, as such, leaves a significant environmental footprint or environmental impact. At the same time, as one of the largest buyers of goods and services and a substantial property owner and manager, the government is uniquely positioned to demonstrate leadership and, in fact, to strengthen markets for environmental goods and services.
To this end, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development has long maintained that Canadians actually expect their government to manage their assets in a sustainable manner, and as the commissioner highlighted, it is important to have a federal lead undertaking such an initiative.
In 2005 the Office of Greening Government Operations was launched at Public Works and Government Services Canada to serve as this focal point and to work with other departments and agencies, particularly those you see around the table here today, to accelerate the greening of government operations.
Public Works and Government Services Canada, as the procurement arm and property manager for the Government of Canada, was deemed a good fit for this focal point for a couple of reasons. One, as a common service agency, it has the potential to leverage action and influence results across the government. Secondly, there is a core of expertise within the department dealing with operational environmental matters.
Because of the mandate and given the specialized nature and knowledge of the other departments represented around the table here today, they became key partners in this exercise. They obviously include Environment Canada, with its expertise on environmental impacts and aspects, which are really at the heart of the green procurement policy, and which I'll talk a little bit about later; Natural Resources Canada, with its expertise in energy, particularly concerning buildings and vehicles; and certainly Treasury Board Secretariat, with its control over many of the policies and directives that guide all departments.
For those of you who have the deck that was distributed earlier, you will see
this slide shows our operations in diagram form.
At the centre of the diagram, you will see there are associate deputy ministers from the three organizations who really provide direction to this initiative. The outer part of the circle represents the interdepartmental steering groups that are in place and who meet regularly to identify opportunities and issues. You'll see that once this is done, there's the possibility of developing policies or guidelines, etc. Then OGGO, the Office of Greening Government Operations, can also help develop tools and offer advice to assist government departments and agencies in their implementation efforts. Obviously as you go around the circle, one of the ultimate objectives is to measure progress and performance, to make changes, to improve and to start again, because there's always more room for improvement.
As the committee is aware, the Office of Greening Government Operations is a relatively new organization, and to date a significant portion of the effort we have put into this work has been directed towards laying a foundation for change, bringing departments together and developing policies, guidelines, tools, pilots, etc., that can integrate environmental considerations right into the way we do our business.
Probably one of the best examples of this is the policy on green procurement. In essence, the green procurement policy—which came into effect last April—aims to embed environmental performance considerations into the decision-making processes of all departments and agencies in the same way, so that when these decisions are made, price, quality, availability, and performance are all considered. So this is about making green procurement a matter of our day-to-day normal business, not only to improve government performance but obviously also to generate some market pull for these technologies and to stimulate a certain demand.
It's not an ad hoc approach. We're not trying to create a special basket of green goods or a list of green products that procurement officers can choose from. Rather, it's a very comprehensive policy that starts with the planning stage and moves right into acquisition, and then to use and, ultimately, to disposal. It really is a good example of how the greening of government operations initiative works, because here we have a Treasury Board-approved policy being managed by Public Works, with expertise and assistance provided by Environment Canada and Natural Resources, and implemented by all departments.
So as a facilitator, we've worked with our partners to develop tools and training. In fact, that training is a mandatory component of the certification of procurement officers in the federal government.
The OGGO, Treasury Board Secretariat, and Environment Canada have also worked to set direction by providing guidance to departments in relation to the sustainable development strategies recently tabled in the House in December. This guidance actually targeted vehicles, building energy, and green procurement as three targets on which federal departments could collectively make a concerted effort to make progress.
In addition, the Office of Greening Government Operations worked with others to produce PWGSC's sustainable development strategy. We were very conscious of having targets in place, so that when we implemented them in our own department, they would be there to help and facilitate the work of other departments in greening their operations.
In the area of green buildings, you may be aware that in 2005, the federal government did adopt the LEED, or leadership in energy and environmental design, gold standard for new office buildings and major renovations, etc. There have been quite a number of our buildings that we hope have made that particular standard at this time.
I am aware that Sustainable Development Technologies Canada will be appearing before this committee in the upcoming weeks and will provide additional information on the LEED.
In our sustainable development strategy in PWGSC we took the next step. So this LEED standard was for building buildings, renovations, etc. The next step we took was our commitment to adopt the Building Operators and Managers Association Go Green Plus process for improving how we operate and manage our buildings in a sustainable way. It's an industry-developed tool that we believe is going to provide us with good, consistent, reliable data that will help us more strategically manage those buildings and find cost-effective ways to improve our environmental performance.
So the object here is not to just improve the buildings we own and operate, but to also lay the foundation for other custodial departments to do the same. These commitments on buildings are being rolled into a comprehensive sustainable building strategy. It's not as far along as the green procurement policy, but it's the same idea. It's about putting systems in place to improve our environmental performance, and make thinking green a normal part of the way we do business.
I again thank the committee for the opportunity for us to be here today. We will be pleased to take your questions.