Yes, 75%, but on condition that it be efficient and feasible.
With your permission, I will continue in English.
Presently the number of vehicles in the federal fleet, as you heard before, is
approximately 27,000 vehicles.
Of the 27,000 vehicles, we have roughly 2,000, or 7%, operating on ethanol--that's E85 ethanol--and about 200, or 1%, on propane or natural gas. As well, we have another 2%, or 600 vehicles, that are hybrid vehicles. Those are not technically vehicles that are running on alternative fuels, but the end result is the same: you're trying to invest in vehicles that operate on non-petroleum-based fuels and that therefore emit fewer pollutants.
Totally, then, that's roughly 10% of the federal fleet.
Actually, we have some statistics on this. Since 1997, when you look at the total number of vehicles purchased by the federal government in any one year and the number that were deemed operationally feasible and cost-effective to purchase because they ran on alternative fuel, in every single year since we've tracked this--1997-98 up to 2005-06--we have met or exceeded the target.
You may do the math and ask, why is she telling us we've exceeded our target of 75%, when 75% of 27,000 is...? She only said 10%; it's not 75%. The reason is that if you look at any given year.... Let's give an example.
In 2004-05 the federal government, grosso modo, purchased 3,700 vehicles. The total number of vehicles in that year estimated to meet the test of being cost-effective and operationally feasible was 34 vehicles. If you look at 75% of those 34 vehicles, it meant that we had to purchase 26 vehicles that ran on alternative fuels. In actual fact, that year we didn't buy just 26 vehicles that ran on alternative fuels; we bought 394.
That gives you a bit of a sense for setting targets, which I think some of you have mentioned, in terms of improving performance on something very tangible. Then we are actually measuring the results and trying to trend it. I think it illustrates that when people see these types of data, it actually is quite interesting, because I think it's actually generating a certain groundswell, and people are more enthusiastic about it.
In fact, my colleague provided one statistic to me just before coming here that I thought was quite significant. It relates to the executive fleet, which is basically the fleet provided to ministers and deputies and equivalents. It's roughly 85 vehicles. Over the last 16 months alone, there has been an increase of about 40% in terms of this fleet's usage of alternative fuels, so the executive fleet of the ministers and deputies is actually a pretty good example of the leadership and showing by example that some people mentioned. I think it's a very good illustration.