I really believe strongly--I guess I tried to say this in my speech, and I regret not saying it as well as I could have--that we have to do a better job of screening immigrants who have violent tendencies. I don't know how you do that, but if someone has a police record, for example, in another country, that should be really clearly brought forward. Sometimes it's missed.
When people come to our country and commit crimes against Canadians, the process of getting them out of the country should be more expeditious. Sometimes it takes ten years and goes on and on.
Those are the kinds of things I'm talking about.
The last thing I want to say is that Jamaicans, Caribbeans, or any other people from any other part of the world, are the wrong people to have here. What I'm really talking about is being honest and straightforward about what's really happening. The Caribbean drug trade and gangs in our cities are happening, and we need to talk about them.