Thank you for the question.
You know, in answer to your question, what I was saying was not something I created, but I suppose repeating something that was already in police reports was in some way as if I had created it. That's the part I really regret.
But there is a report that I referred to, coming out of the Alberta police reports. There is a special group in Alberta that's set up to liaise with other police forces across the country. There are about five different sections of the report, one of which has to do with Asian gangs. They were specifically talking about the Asian gang problem in Calgary, which is a difficult one. Once again, if I had to word it again I would say it differently, but it's a very well-known fact, and it happens very frequently in Calgary. It's a big concern to Calgarians, as I'm sure what's happening in Toronto is affecting people there.
But in any case, I want to reiterate that I believe we should worry about behaviour and not race, colour, or religion. That's my whole point.