Thank you for that question.
Let me put it this way. One of the reasons I considered and accepted the nomination of the Prime Minister was that I hoped we could start a trend of having people who have been successful in all different walks of life, be they business or any other walk of life, saying at some point, “I can do something for my country, and this particular thing that has become available can meet what I'm good at, and I can put aside all of my views and all of my everything else and say this is the thing that really fits me; and I'm prepared to do this for service for our country and put in the time and effort and go through all kinds of processes to see that I can contribute.”
I would hope that many other business leaders, other leaders in different walks of life in the country, at a point in their life when they're in a position to do so, as I am, will do this. I hope that will be encouraged, and it's actually one of the biggest reasons for my accepting this nomination.