There is an annual exercise between the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Department of Public Works where Public Works comes to the secretariat and says--in very global terms, not building by building or issue by issue--that they have certain pressures on their accommodation budget that are what we call non-discretionary. There are discretionary costs that are separate and apart from that. The non-discretionaries would be things like payments in lieu of taxes, inflation on leases, and interest. Recapitalization falls almost in a grey zone, because not all recapitalization must be done today.
There is a negotiation between PW and TBS around other investment decisions--and we would particularly look at the health and safety issues--and then a recommendation is made to the Treasury Board, the cabinet committee, on adjustments to the PW base. Madam Chair would know this exercise well. That happens annually.
We top the department up by a certain amount. They are required to justify that amount, because we must be confident that it's not more than required. Often they don't get everything they ask for. We do, as a government, make choices to defer certain investments and--