We did a lot of things on the exam in terms of getting people ready, explaining what the levels were for them, and trying to make sure that everyone understood the exam process. We made changes so you could have a conversation, in whichever language you wanted, about how the exam was going to go. We made sure that people who knew the work in the department were there to do the test, because the test is about your work--your ability to function--not about social activities. So we saw that. Also, I think some people who decided they weren't going to make it stopped trying. Some of that must have happened.
In addition to that, what we are doing is changing the test, because the test has been around for a long time. But that's going to be next year. We've made all those changes around the test, but the test is the same. The standard is not going to change, but we are going to the common European framework.