Just to play devil's advocate for a second, I'll say life is generally not a one-way street but a two-way street. I have worked in the public sector and in the private sector, both as an employee and as an employer. You find many people who are tremendously satisfied with their jobs in both areas, and in both areas you find a significant number of people as well who will never be satisfied and aren't satisfied in their particular vocation.
At some particular point, there is that reality, so we also have to deal with that. Perhaps the one weakness might only be a perceived weakness on my part, and I could be in error here, but maybe one advantage the private sector has over the public sector at this particular point is that in the public sector, there really doesn't appear to be the latitude for carrot and stick, for serious incentives for tremendous performance at work, as well as for having a potential punitive and/or negative effect if the performance isn't there. There is so much protection built in--and I'm not suggesting protection isn't wanted or warranted or needed--whereas in the private sector there appears to be a bit more opportunity for a faster response to changing circumstances, whether it's for salary increases without having to go through an entire budgetary approval and a change of government or whatever. Does that give them an inherent advantage? Do we need more flexibility within the public service to be able to meet these quick changes?