In terms of recruitment and retention in the public service, our view is that people are applying in great numbers, but they're not getting in. They're getting into temporary and casual positions, but they are not given long-term opportunities. What we're seeing is that 65% of the people who enter the federal public service in indeterminate positions have to first of all go through either casual employment or term employment. There's no real enticement for them to come to the public service, in my view.
With respect to the pension gap, what we're merely showing, obviously, is that the pension gap between men and women is what it is. On average, men get pensions of $24,229, as opposed to women, who get $14,185. It shows a great disparity in the wage levels of the public service. Why is that? You may get in, but you don't advance. There are a whole bunch of barriers that may be in the system and need to be addressed.