Minister, do not put words in my mouth. I did not say that. I was simply saying that it's a cost-benefit question. Okay? You're asking us, hey, trust me, I'm the minister. You're a nice guy, but you know what? I'm not going to.
When I take a look at what we paid for these buildings and what their assessed value was four years ago, we've made almost $500 million in capital gain. The capital gain is great to realize, but logic would dictate that if we're going to make that capital gain over that period of time, surely we can stand to make a capital gain over the next 15 years, and it might well outweigh the costs of maintaining these buildings. And then of course we wouldn't have to be tenants in our own buildings.
All I'm saying to you, sir, is that we need to see the numbers. Whatever convinced you should convince us, and then end of story. Why don't you table it?