Thank you, Madam Chair.
When we did the audit in 2002, the main issue we brought forward then was that Parliament hadn't been adequately informed about the increasing costs of the program. Our audit was really limited to that. Because of the difficulties we had with the financial records, we didn't look beyond that. In this audit we did a more comprehensive audit of the management practices. We noted in the early years of the program that there were many difficulties with the costs, of course, but also with contracting. We note in the report that with the arrival of the new management team, led by Mr. Baker in 2003, that we see significant progress in dealing with many of those issues. The financial reporting has improved and the contracting as well. We identified what we call red flags that could be indications of problems in contracting. Those have gone down significantly, as some of the tables in the report will note.
There are still ongoing challenges, but quite frankly, there are ongoing challenges in every department in government. We note the ones that are still problematic, but we do see considerable progress and considerable improvement.