I'm afraid to say I don't know a whole lot about it myself. The basic premise is that these companies, re-mailers, are incorrectly described as small businesses--some of them may be small businesses--but there is a challenge going on right now against Canada Post's exclusive privilege applying to international mail. Re-mailers collect mail in Canada, ship it to another country, either the United States or to a developing country where there are lower postage rates, and then mail the mail back to Canada from there to take advantage of the lower postage rates.
One, this really undermines Canada Post's exclusive privilege. It takes revenues out of the public corporation. But two, many of those developing countries have lower postage rates under the universal postal union for very good reasons: to deal with the economic and social realities of those countries. We're seeing the re-mailers take advantage of that to make a profit. Again, it's a situation where private competitors are attacking Canada Post's exclusive privilege without being prepared to take on the universal service obligations Canada Post is bound by.