I began this division to act as a sales force, if you like, so that clients could deal with one group, and then they would integrate all the services of Public Works to the departments.
What we found as we were operating the group was that the individual businesses were very large and needed a great deal of direct contact with counterparts in their client departments--for example, the real property people really needed to get at the planners and the people organizing real property in a large department like the Department of National Defence, and vice versa for procurement, information technology, and so forth. As well, we were making so many changes in how our service was going to operate that we really needed direct contact for that reason also. We came to a decision that it was wiser to fold that business integration group back into individual departments so that they each had their sales force, if you like, to go in. That's part of the increase in the cost of the acquisition group.
It's actually working very well. Once we're a little bit more mature, we might go back to a common sales group.