Minister, there is one issue that somewhat troubles small and medium enterprises. I'm not criticizing Public Works for using more cost-effective management methods, but at some point you have to be a little fairer with small and medium business enterprises.
For example, under our government a few years ago, what was called the bundling policy was introduced at Public Works. Suppliers were asked to provide goods and services across the country. For example, there are a host of small computer services contractors in the region, on both the Quebec and Ontario sides, that sell services to the Government of Canada. If we did a bundling and told computer service suppliers that they had to be able to serve all of Canada, we would eliminate a number of players.
I'm told that Public Works is currently considering adopting a very similar policy for the supply of goods. Let's take the example of furniture. They would tell contractors that, to supply furniture to the Government of Canada, they would have to be able to supply all the furniture that Public Works would want to buy. Of course, from a management standpoint, that's easier for Public Works in that it has a single supplier and a single series of invoices.
If that's really what your department is contemplating, that troubles me. I'm citing the example of furniture, but I'm not sure there are any furniture manufacturers in Quebec or elsewhere in Canada that would be able to supply the department with all the furniture that the Canadian government might need across Canada.
Minister, could we hear the comments of your officials on that subject?