I appreciate the spirit of the motion, and I agree with the general text of it. The difficulty I have right now with that motion is I don't believe it's complete enough, in that, of course, appropriations are not even mentioned in it, and this is a very serious dilemma. I also believe it's premature. I don't think it's inaccurate, and I do think we need it, but I think it is premature.
I really do believe we should take another motion at some particular point, maybe at the next meeting or whatever, that will deal with a process to put in a very stringent timeline for this committee to complete a separate, exhaustive study on this, with both pro and con forces here, so that we can come up with a conclusive direction after some very serious, in-depth study, and then put forth a motion that will be accurate, that will be complete, that will have factual data, and that will actually be something that Parliament would find very difficult not to accept.
The premise of your motion and where we are going with it is relatively harmless, but I don't think it's full, complete, and pertinent to this point.