I'm going to quote the third recommendation that appears in the recommendations table to make sure we're talking about the same thing.
The Office of the Comptroller General, in cooperation with departmental and agency management, internal audit groups, and audit committees, should ensure that departments and agencies identify and address the internal control weaknesses...
Why wasn't that done within a reasonable period, since the workload has resumed? You have to ensure that departments and agencies identify their weaknesses, but it's not up to your office to do so, is it? I hope you're not a sprawling organization.
How can we ensure that the departments and agencies have done this work, as they are required to do? It's up to you to ensure that they have. I'm not much in favour of coercion, but can you verify whether the work has been done for employment contracts or performance bonuses, for example? If work should be done and isn't, someone must be responsible for that lack of action. Perhaps I'm oversimplifying, but I don't understand how this kind of thing can be implemented within the allotted time, in view of the various stakeholders involved.