With respect, I think you owe it to the people you're representing here, frankly, to get the new documents that have been presented before the committee. In the documents you have, those numbers were blacked out because of a confidentiality agreement that the government signs with the people with whom we do that business. To not black out that information in the time period while we're negotiating the best value for taxpayers' dollars and the lease/sellback of these buildings would be to rob taxpayers of the best value for these buildings. This is common practice at all levels of government. It's in order to protect taxpayers and to protect the confidentiality agreements that the government signs with those with whom we're doing business.
But the documents are available. They've been tabled with this committee, and you didn't answer the question that I asked a moment ago. Have you contacted the clerk of this committee to get all the supporting information we have tabled at this committee?