Thank you, Madam Chair.
As soon as I got back to my office, I made some telephone calls to reach all the witnesses appearing on the list of the adopted motion. The calls were made between 11:34 a.m. and 12:09 p.m. on Tuesday. However, the answers were slow in coming in some cases, despite reminders. Essentially, none of the six witnesses was available to appear before the committee this morning. I'll give you the details for each of them. However, it appeared quite early in my discussions with the potential witnesses that a window was opening for next Thursday. Of course, it can't be next week, since we are in recess, but Thursday the 28th. So I immediately confirmed that date, and it appears that most of the witnesses would be available on the 28th.
That's the first item of good news. In view of the witnesses' absence this morning, I've taken the initiative, after discussing the matter with the Chair, of summoning the originally scheduled witnesses and of holding the meeting on the Soudas-Housakos affair on Thursday the 28th, with your consent, of course.