Thank you.
I'm going to go back in time to October 10, 2006, and a city memo to mayor and council stating:
First let me emphasize that I regret that Mr. Baird did not raise these questions around the December 15th clauses in the contract directly with the City, but instead chose again to go to the media.
It goes on to say that if he had contacted the city, the city would have explained the problems with his interpretation of the contract. It further states:
The media transcripts indicate that Minister Baird has decided to apply the provisions for financial close for use never contemplated and that does not relate to the high-level due diligence review we understood from last week's media transcripts that Treasury Board was undertaking before final approval for their contribution to this project.
Mr. Wouters, why did the Treasury Board not bother to speak with the city about this contract before your minister told the public and the media what was in the contract?