Now that we've clarified and made our introductions, it's “pleased to meet you and thank you for coming”. I thank each one of the witnesses. I'm sorry to have taken your time. Obviously the suggestions that were being launched when we started this committee are something of a distant memory at this point, seeing as none of them have come to any type of a conclusion that is in any way similar to the allegations that were made.
Mr. Rosenberg, you did mention that at some point you had received letters from Mr. Scott Brison, I believe, the former Minister of Public Works, with regard to your relationship with him, you being a property owner and an owner of buildings that the federal government leased. I'm wondering if you could share with the committee the comments that are provided in that letter. I think what we're looking for is basically relationships. Now that we've established relationships with the people on the panel today, we'll take the time to look into other relationships that maybe have developed over the past number of years.
I understand that you have been in litigation with the federal government for some time, and I actually have in my possession a letter that I understand Mr. Scott Brison, a former Minister of Public Works, has sent to you. I'll just read a couple of comments:
I have noted that Rosdev was established in the 1970's and has quickly grown to become a leader in the commercial and industrial real estate markets and the hotel industry in Canada and beyond.
In managing, developing and directing your vast commercial [retail] space with the Government of Canada, Rosdev has well-served the public interest and I trust that [our] ongoing relationship will continue to be mutually advantageous and beneficial.
Considering the lawsuit that you are engaged in with the federal government, do you feel this letter was interesting at least and maybe contradictory to the fact that you were engaged in litigation when he was the Minister of Public Works?