I don't know exactly the internal politics in Public Works, but it's sometimes strange to say the least. When you get to speak to the top people or to people who understand a file, they'll look to see how we were mistreated. But then you have some others who are, for whatever reason—I don't want to get into it, personal or other reasons—against Rosdev.
I'll read you just a sentence from another letter from Public Works on the issue we brought back from L'Esplanade Laurier when there was glycol that the government had wrongfully.... They managed that part and they contaminated the whole building. Over a holiday weekend we went to work overtime, we stayed in our property and made sure that by Tuesday morning--it was a holiday weekend, Canada Day--the government would be able to work properly in the building. It was Treasury Board, an important department. I have a letter here saying:
The situation tested your stamina, patience, creativity and ability to work effectively as a team with other organizations and agencies.
So we had a lot of letters of praise.