Mr. Gomery, you've been through quite a series of experiences over the last several years. First, you helped expose what was arguably the largest criminal conspiracy in Canadian history, the Liberal sponsorship scandal. You wrote two reports. Now you're being sued by a former Liberal Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, who wants to force you to renounce your findings against him.
After the government kept its promise and introduced the Federal Accountability Act, none of the opposition members bothered to bring in any amendments to fulfill your recommendations in that accountability act process. Interestingly enough, they now show some enthusiasm for those recommendations, but during the process in which a committee in this very room was studying the Federal Accountability Act, none of these opposition parties, who collectively have the majority, brought forward your recommendations in the form of amendments to have them legislated into law.
Through all of this, yesterday you indicated that your feelings have been hurt by this rejection of some of your recommendations. I can understand why, having been through what you've been through, this has become somewhat of a personal issue.
What do you believe the motive was of parliamentarians, the majority of whom are from the opposition, not to amend the Federal Accountability Act to include your recommendations?