Thank you.
It was a culture of secrecy that I think you and others have identified that allowed corruption to flourish, not just in the last regime but perhaps building up over decades in Ottawa. That freedom of information, access to information, is such a cornerstone. Sunlight is a powerful disinfectant, they say.
John Reid came to your commission and articulated a clear plan of action. The Conservatives ran on this, actually. When they say the Gomery commission defeated that government and elected that one, the first point in their accountability promises to Canadians was a comprehensive reform of the Access to Information Act. Yet it was yarded out of the Federal Accountability Act, wholesale. The whole chapter was virtually removed and a paltry pittance replaced.
Do you agree with us that perhaps the single most important thing we could do would be a revamp of our freedom of information laws in terms of elevating ethical standards by shining a light on activity?