I'll tell you that those same farmers were very interested in the media attention brought to you a couple of years ago because of your uncovering of the huge Liberal sponsorship scandal. Thank you very much for doing that on behalf of Canadians, really.
You said something interesting about transparency, which was that Canadians are going to continue to demand more and more transparency. I think you're right. I think we live in a day and age when things in the past that could be held secret can't be. I certainly think there's a trend in terms of increased media availability and increased technologies that really do inform the electorate. I want to concur with you on that.
I think there's no question, especially as I look at my generation, the generations to follow, that we will live in a completely different world from what our parents and grandparents lived in.
Along with that, there's a responsibility, as far as the government is concerned, to continue to bring transparency and to open itself up to the public eye. Obviously, there are some challenges in doing that.
I think it's very interesting. I've read this letter that many people, eminent Canadians, have signed off on, including a Liberal candidate who's running in a byelection right now, Mr. Bob Rae. They talk about the report, and they talk about complex matters that could have far-reaching effects:
...effects that in some cases, we believe, would be very damaging. It is important that you should take enough time to make a careful assessment of your own before deciding which of Justice Gomery's recommendations should be implemented.
After two years, we look at the recommendations. We see that a good number of them have been implemented, a majority of them, at least in part. As we proceed, obviously, there is going to be more attention drawn to this. There's going to be more of a desire to see this.
Is there anything you felt, looking at it today, you left out of the recommendations, things that could have been added or things you see differently than when you put the report together?