It would seem that if the opposition now supports all the recommendations you mad--a claim we never made ourselves, but that they are now making of their own political formation--they could have amended the Federal Accountability Act through the legislative process to include those recommendations. They did not.
Our promise, on the Conservative side, was to bring in the Federal Accountability Act, and you rightly point out in your presentation that we did keep that promise. I think you would agree that in many cases your recommendations were addressed by the Federal Accountability Act. In other areas the Federal Accountability Act went further, including bans on big money and corporate cash in the political process and a legislated conflict of interest act, both of which were not contained in your recommendations.
You deserve a lot of credit for the legislative changes that came about in the Federal Accountability Act, even if they weren't written precisely with all your recommendations included in them. We are very grateful for the contribution you have made in that respect.