Thank you, Madam Chair.
I understand your sentiment, Mr. Gomery. In French, we say that politeness is important. In my view, the Prime Minister or those persons responsible could have sent you an acknowledgment of receipt, simply to inform you that they did receive the package and are reflecting upon it. That was the least they could have done. If I understood correctly, you did not even get an acknowledgment of receipt, is that so?
I would like to come back to an issue that I am not sure is more important or less important, and that is your meeting with Minister Baird when he was President of Treasury Board. It was reported in the newspapers that you gave the impression that Minister Baird was, at the time, much more worried about the possibility that you might cause damage to the Conservative government than about the government's own bill. You made mention of that quite a while ago.
I would like to know precisely, given that we do not have very much time here, what the minister said and what his concerns were as to the problems that you might create for his government.