As I say, as we have one minute left because the minister is out of time, I want to go back again. Charlie Angus mentioned your conversations with the City of Ottawa in the fall of 2006 and what Réjean Chartrand mentioned when he made his presentation to Ottawa city council on October 11. He said the contract was never intended to be viewed by the federal government and the fact that the federal government saw it threw him off.
I think the people who are not only your constituents but taxpayers across the country.... Taxpayers in Port Moody send money to Ottawa that goes into the federal treasury for projects the federal government has decided, through a myriad of avenues, are a priority, so my constituents and my taxpayers are on the line. Why would they be shocked and why would he be saying the federal government shouldn't even have viewed these contracts and shouldn't have had any access to how the money was going to be spent by my constituents?