I can tell you that the decision Treasury Board made was the one that was announced publicly. So when you say Treasury Board supported the project as is, that's not the case.
You had mentioned that the project had been working with the federal government for some 36 months. That's about 150 weeks. That is certainly the case. I believed that it was wrong to approve the project 33 days before people voted, and that if it had been working 150 weeks with the federal government it could go for another 33 days. The contract specifically allowed for a 60-day extension, and I thought this was wise.
I can remember the decision made on the eve of an election back in 1993 with respect to Pearson Airport and the EH101 helicopter project, which led to billions of dollars of problems when the new government took over. I thought if it had been going on for 150 weeks it could certainly be postponed for 33 days. The contract the city had signed specifically allowed, if the federal government had not signed a contribution agreement, a 60-day deferral. I saw no reason to go against that.
When I read the contract there were many, many portions of the project that were not funded. You said there were no cost overruns. Of course, there had been no shovel in the ground yet, so there couldn't have been cost overruns to a project that hadn't started. But there were many areas in the project that were not funded.