Thank you.
I'm certainly interested in looking at this issue. Since our whole committee is in some ways about procurement, I don't want us to try to take on everything in terms of this study, because this is sort of overall what we look at. So I would certainly be interested in some suggestions before we sit down, if Mr. Albrecht has a sense....
What we've been generally doing at committees here is suggesting two meetings, three meetings, or four meetings. Clearly, if we're bringing all these new players to the table, three meetings will certainly not be enough.
I would feel more comfortable if we had a general sense. I don't want us to go off studying every single department here. I think it would be a bit of a wild goose chase. There were certain issues raised about procurement and transparency, which is why we were interested in the ombudsman. The TPG case certainly raised a number of questions, and I was certainly not satisfied with any of the answers I heard. I think these are really pertinent questions.
The issue of the submarine contract was a very clear-cut one. Give us some clear guidelines so that we can come back and say this is how the process is done, and it's done in a fair and open manner.
There are certainly a few contested issues that I think we need to examine in order to apply a bit of a reality check or a counter-check against what we're going to hear from the bureaucrats. Then, at the end of that, we'll probably have a much clearer sense. So I'm supporting it, but I'd like to have a sense of exactly how far we're going.