Carried unanimously. Thank you. I think that's terrific.
Now, before you all rush out, here are two things. This afternoon we are going to receive a copy of our report on the pay and benefits issue, with the changes identified, with the names of the people who suggested the changes. So I would ask that you look at that so that when we come back on Thursday we will have one witness for the first hour, and then we can go to that report.
If there are any major changes, please notify the clerk so that we can actually pass a motion, pass this report, have it printed during the week's break, so we can then deposit it when we come back.
There is another thing I'm going to circulate. I'm going to circulate two documents. I had a meeting with some people, this week actually, from pay and benefits. They brought along two pay and benefits clerks from CSIS. The CSIS clerks advised me—and I thought it was kind of funny, because the meeting was in camera, but they obviously must have heard we had discussed them—that their job really was less complicated in many ways than the jobs of others, because they only had one collective agreement and only 200 unionized personnel. I just wanted you to know that.
The other paper I'm circulating is about what different places are paying. I just think it's important for you to have that before we pass the report, hopefully on Thursday.
Thank you very much.
I'll adjourn the meeting at this time.