Thank you. This has been a fascinating morning.
I'd like to follow up on a comment my colleague Mr. Brown made about the MPs' hotline. I think it's fairly straightforward to point out that at times, like now, when we're seeing very, very good responses in terms of what's happening with Passport Canada, the need for the member of Parliament to call in is not happening. I don't have to worry or pay too much attention to the passports that are going through my office, as we're having great turn-around times. However, there are other periods, like right after Christmas break, when everyone starts banging on our office doors because people are all going to Cuba, and your staff is working night shifts. That's when we do tend to call the MP hotline, because we have problems about a passport that was lost in transmission, or perhaps a mistake was made at either end. Many times we've had problems with mistakes made at Passport Canada, so it has backed up.
My staff traditionally would call, and then if there's a problem they'd ask me to call. When I would normally call the MPs' hotline, I would speak to someone and they would look into it and get back to me. More often than not now, I get an answering machine. And for a while they would call me back, but I find there are certain times when I don't get a call back. I find when I call the MPs' hotline I'm talking to different managers all the time.
I was raising questions about the turnover rate because for a good period of time I could always deal with the same person. Now, when I go to call Serge or whoever, they're gone and it's somebody else, so what about that file? Then I have to call three days later and I'm talking to somebody else.
That's my big concern. If I'm calling as a member of Parliament, it's because it's an extraordinary situation. I don't call about a passport because I have nothing else to do. It's an extraordinary situation and I'm calling the members' line to get a clear answer, and at that point I really need an answer. When I don't get an answer, that's when I get frustrated.
What is the standard practice with the MPs' hotline? Are your staff obligated to call back, to follow up, to keep track, so that if they leave the next day and someone new comes in, there's actually a record so we can keep working on the same page of tracking a problem passport?